Thank you for Reading!
Hi Friends, First of all – I don’t know if I’ve ever said “thank you” for reading! It is a privilege to be able to publicly write… and the fact that anyone actually reads what I write is very humbling.…
The One Who Sustains You
This fall our two oldest girls came home from the school carnival with goldfish. They named them Goldie and Bubbly. Our first pets! I (unintentionally) killed Goldie about two weeks later. But Bubbly is still going strong. To be honest,…
The Perfect Running Partner
Psalm 18:35-36 (New Living Translation) You have given me your shield of victory. Your right hand supports me; your help has made me great. You have made a wide path for my feet to keep them from slipping. On a…
PTO and Friendship
Let's just say... I was right to be afraid of PTO meetings. But I'm thankful for the ways friends re-framed my experience for me! Who can you thank for being a friend this week?