• The Journey is too Hard

    The last couple weeks have been loud over here. Literally loud when we had a water leak that damaged our floors and had our house filled with fans and dehumidifiers and tubes that sucked the water out. But also figuratively…

  • Praying with Scripture

    My girls like to play with old paper towel tubes. They stick them up to their eyes and look around. They have lots of fun until you suggest they look at something specific. “Look at that beautiful bird outside in…

  • The Gift of God’s Word

    It’s the beginning of the year – which means that many of us are making resolutions and setting goals. For Christians, a common goal is to read more of the Bible in the upcoming year. This might look like a…

  • Steadfastness

    A year ago, as I welcomed the new year I had no clue what was in store. I had no idea how high the highs would be nor how low the lows could get. I had set goals for myself…