A year ago, as I welcomed the new year I had no clue what was in store. I had no idea how high the highs would be nor how low the lows could get. I had set goals for myself…
Christmas & Chemo
First of all – Alice is doing ok. Her treatment on Friday has left her needing to rest a lot these past few days, but the nausea has been very minimal and she has slept well at night. This morning…
O Come Emmanuel
Alice is in bed… I don’t know how long she will stay there, but for the moment she is comfortable and resting. I’m sitting here with my ears perked listening for the slightest moan of pain. One of the first…
Week 13 – Take II
Alice made counts today! Her overall number more than doubled from last week – which is amazing! So she she got chemo and is home now. We are, little by little, learning to let go of the “schedule” for her…