
  • silhouette of two women facing body of water

    Comforting Our Friends with the Gift of Lament

    An ARTICLE I wrote recently for RisenMotherhood was a special tying together of so many things I enjoy writing about: serving our friends, sharing comfort, the gift of lament, etc. The article walks through how we can help our friends…

  • man and woman carrying toddler

    Pediatric Cancer Parents and the Gift of Lament

    Many years ago, I never imagined I would be writing about lament or about pediatric cancer. Yet, that is part of the story God has written for our family. A Not only has God provided personal and specific comfort for…

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    God’s Word: God’s Promises and Christ’s Love

    Have you ever wondered why modern day people bother reading the Bible? Have you ever assumed that the Bible is too old to have relevance to your life? Maybe you’ve tried reading it, or you’ve even studied it years ago,…

  • woman in white dress walking on green grass field

    The Truths My Weary Heart Needs

    If you are curious about what my weary heart needs to be reminded of on a daily basis… it is this: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. They are new every…