
  • selective photography of green grass field under white and gray sky

    How to have Faith in the Middle of the Story

    And so… perhaps there is value in writing about faith in the middle. Not the naïve faith of believing it’ll all work out the way we want. Nor the defeated faith of assuming God is going to do whatever he…

  • person holding opened book

    God’s Word: God’s Promises and Christ’s Love

    Have you ever wondered why modern day people bother reading the Bible? Have you ever assumed that the Bible is too old to have relevance to your life? Maybe you’ve tried reading it, or you’ve even studied it years ago,…

  • sad woman sitting in room

    Are You Struggling to Believe that God Loves You?

    (This devotional is from my new eBook “Rooted and Grounded” coming out March 2nd. If you are not a subscriber, use the sign-up link below to make sure you get your free copy!)   Now Jesus loved Martha and her…

  • A New Devotional eBook Just For You!

    I’ve written a new devotional eBook called “Rooted and Grounded”, and it’s for you! I will be sending it out in the next newsletter on March 2nd. If you’re a subscriber, you don’t have to do anything except check your…