
  • selective photography of green grass field under white and gray sky

    How to have Faith in the Middle of the Story

    And so… perhaps there is value in writing about faith in the middle. Not the naïve faith of believing it’ll all work out the way we want. Nor the defeated faith of assuming God is going to do whatever he…

  • close up of wheat field against sky at sunset

    If It’s Not Okay, Then This is Not the End

    Grandpa had dementia for awhile. Slowly his brain began to let him down. He could have an in-depth conversation about his stock portfolio, but couldn’t tell you how to make a sandwich. He could retell in detail the birth stories…

  • silhouette of two women facing body of water

    Comforting Our Friends with the Gift of Lament

    An ARTICLE I wrote recently for RisenMotherhood was a special tying together of so many things I enjoy writing about: serving our friends, sharing comfort, the gift of lament, etc. The article walks through how we can help our friends…