How to Pray When You Don’t Feel Like Praying
How’s your prayer life these days? Maybe the current circumstances have driven you to pray more than ever before. Or maybe your head feels foggy and your heart feels weary and you find yourself avoiding prayer because you just don’t…
The Journey is too Hard
The last couple weeks have been loud over here. Literally loud when we had a water leak that damaged our floors and had our house filled with fans and dehumidifiers and tubes that sucked the water out. But also figuratively…
Praying with Scripture
My girls like to play with old paper towel tubes. They stick them up to their eyes and look around. They have lots of fun until you suggest they look at something specific. “Look at that beautiful bird outside in…
Prayer is More
Alice had another good week – physically. We expected nausea, mouth sores, constipation and some other side effects from last week’s chemo and she didn’t have any of it. It’s amazing! But emotionally we are spent. On top of the…