Seeking the Imperishable Beauty of a Gentle and Quiet Spirit
The more I settle into that identity and believe that God approves of me, delights in me, sees me as competent for the tasks he's given me, trusts me to stay near to him and glorify him, etc. the quieter…
Can You List Five Things that are Making You Happy?
And I couldn't even find 5 things that were bringing me joy. So I cried and felt sorry for myself. Then I decided the whole exercise was stupid and told Rob my unvarnished thoughts.
New August Series: Back to Blogging
So, I'm giving myself permission to write a little differently this month. You won't find me on social media. You won't find my name on any articles at big publications. Instead I'm going to be old-school blogging the way the…
Trusting God’s Love When Life Gets Hard
When life gets hard, do you struggle to believe that God really loves you? Where do you go for reassurance, encouragement, and support for your faith? Is your local church a safe place to process your questions and fears? And…