• mirror fragments on gray surface with the reflection of a person s arm

    Let Jesus Redeem Your Painful Anniversary For You

    August. When Alice started feeling sick. When we began asking questions. When she was diagnosed. When we first heard the word “cancer”. When she had surgery to remove her tumor. When we began her treatment process. When our world flipped…

  • Finding God’s Steadfast Love In Your Story

    It’s been a heavy medical month over here. August is painful and hard in so many ways for our family – and over the past few years it has also become a month laden with doctor appointments, follow-ups, assessments and…

  • man in gray dress shirt and black pants standing beside boy in blue long sleeve shirt

    Asking the Lord for Wisdom this School Year

    Back to school is right around the corner. Not so long ago… this would be cause for celebration and excitement on behalf of parents and kids alike. But these days, “back to school” is full of uncertainty, fear, and lots…