• A Good Day

    Today has been a sweet day.  Claire and I got out of the house a bit today. Alice got to spend time helping my dad in the yard (yard/outdoor work is Alice’s love language). And Evelyn got lots of snuggles…

  • There is A Plan

    Y’all… I am painfully aware that we are not the only ones going through hard stuff right now. Each of you has a story, and a struggle. One of my Uncles passed away last night after a short but brutal…

  • Praying For You

    This morning Alice woke me up in pain and she joined me while I spent time reading my Bible and journaling.  As she laid next to me on the sofa I read Zephaniah 3:17 to her “The Lord your God…

  • Cancer

    While on vacation in August, Alice experienced some strange symptoms. When we got home our pediatrician ordered some tests – and during those we discovered that she had a tumor in her left kidney. Two days later on Friday, August…