Comforting Our Friends with the Gift of Lament
An ARTICLE I wrote recently for RisenMotherhood was a special tying together of so many things I enjoy writing about: serving our friends, sharing comfort, the gift of lament, etc.
The article walks through how we can help our friends lament in their sufferings. It talks about some of the ways they might get stuck, and how we can encourage them and grieve alongside them in productive ways.
As we move through the summer time, I hope that sharing this ARTICLE with you will continue to prompt some creative ways for you to serve those around you. Or perhaps you are the one suffering, and these articles will encourage you in your own walk through lament.
Part of how you might encourage a friend may include supporting her getting professional counseling or talking to her doctor about her anxiety or depression. As we walk with our friends, it is good to remember that medicine and professionals can be forms of God’s common grace toward humanity. Rather than shy away from these things, or feel a need to always be “spiritual” in our encouragement, it is good to remind our friends of the variety of ways God may want to meet their needs and comfort their hearts and minds.
Lastly, make sure you are subscribed to my monthly newsletter. I will be giving away a couple of books in honor of my birthday in July – you won’t want to miss the opportunity to be