empty country road

True Crime Podcast Recommendation: “Under the Cover of Knight”

I promised that this month’s old-school-blogging series would be well rounded and encompass different things I’m thinking about and doing – so today’s post is going to take us into the realm of true crime podcasts. If that is not your thing, feel free to check back here on Monday!

It took me awhile to jump on the podcast bandwagon, and once I began I really only listened to shows that focused on writing, Christian living, or news commentary. My focus was on enlightenment and edification.

Over the past few months my eyes have been opened to the wonder of podcasts that are purely entertaining. And there is nothing like a true crime story to make me tackle a pile of laundry.

I’ve now listened to several different series that have addressed a variety of social woes and the impact that a succession of sinful choices can have on those around you. But there is one that I keep recommending to friends and it’s called “Under the Cover of Knight”.

This story begins with a small Texas town grappling with a resident who dies unexpectedly. There are all sorts of rumors about her being a CIA agent, maybe not really being dead at all, and every conspiracy you can throw at it. The way the story unfolds is not just surprising, but beautiful, moving, and satisfying. It’s the type of feel-good story that brought tears to my eyes as the final episode played in my ear buds. The producers did a wonderful job of showing how one person’s life (albeit messy) can leave a positive impact on so many people.

If you choose to listen – be warned that there is language and several topics that may be difficult to hear. This is far from being a “Christian” podcast. But if you look for it, you’ll find elements of the gospel at play. The way every person is an image bearer of God. The way God weaves our stories and longs to bring redemption and healing. The way we all long to be known, but will never be fully known by anyone except Christ. And the fact that only God’s love and grace are big enough to meet us in our darkest places.

I’d love to hear your thoughts if you’ve listened to this series!

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