Sign-Up to get your FREE Advent Devotional eBook!
I am so excited to offer you a new tool as you walk through the upcoming Advent Season! “12 Names of Jesus: Advent Devotionals for Weary Hearts” – is my first eBook and I want to give you a FREE…
Three Lies We Believe About Gratitude, and Cultivating Thankful Hearts
“You just need to be thankful for what you have, and stop striving, then God is going to give you what you want!” That is advice too many of my friends have been given. And I’m so sorry if you’ve…
Resource for Navigating Hard Conversations With Young Children
This week is a little bit different because I am over at RisenMotherhood talking about having hard conversations with our young children. If you’ve ever wondered how to navigate your child’s questions about death and their loved ones – I…
Writing Thank You Notes to Heal Your Hurting Heart
Painful anniversaries are so tricky aren’t they? We’ve talked about how they sneak up on you. How our bodies sometimes remember them even when your heads don’t. We’ve talked about how “taking them back” can help us process and turn…