• Hope In You Alone

    Radiation treatments finished yesterday! And she had chemo #6 today. For the first time her blood counts came back low and she’s considered immune-compromised. Which means we are supposed to lay low this week. We are praying her numbers go…

  • God of All Comfort

    I have tried several times to write an update that accurately shares the amazing ways God has been caring for us… but the post ends up being ridiculously long and I don’t think people have the time or interest to…

  • Another Opinion

    Thank you again for walking with us through this process. We are exhausted, but feeling at peace tonight. We took pages of notes with the Wilms tumor Specialists today… but the very condensed version is that they believe we are…

  • Good Works

    Thank you everyone for praying this week for Alice’s stomach pain/nausea. It is a trail-and-error process right now of tweaking her diet and getting her on a good schedule with her medications at home… but the last couple of days…